Hole Mole: Hot Pepper Great for Fresh or Dried Use

Young Holy Mole Pepper | Cultivate to Plate
Young Holy Mole Pepper | Cultivate to Plate

The ‘Hole Mole’ variety of hot pepper is a Pasilla hybrid that produces long peppers with about a level 700 on the Scoville Scale.

Growing Hole Mole Peppers

If starting by seed, fill each cell with sterile seed starting soil and lay the seeds on top. Cover with a light covering of the soil and lightly sprinkle with water to make the soil moist and keep it moist during germination – however you don’t want the soil soaking or left to dry out. Keep in a warm spot until the seeds sprout.

Wait until the temperature is warm outside before transplanting or the fruit won’t set properly. If purchasing them from a nursery, the transplants should be in good condition before putting in the garden plot so check them over. If you are using your own seedlings, harden off the sprouts a couple of days outside before actual planting. Once they have been established, light and water are all that is needed for these plants.

Harvesting the Hole Mole Peppers

As with all peppers, they can be picked at any time. But, if you are wanting to save the seeds, do so after they fully mature. The peppers are best picked for flavor when they turn a deep brown color, the main indication of ripeness. They will be very slender, a deep chocolate color, and long, about 8 to 9 inches in length.

Cooking with the Hole Mole Peppers

These peppers have thick walls making them great for stuffing when still green, and for chopping and using in fresh salsas. Slice them when they are fully mature for pizza toppings, or keep them whole and use for roasted peppers (delicious). They have about a medium hot level, which means while they probably couldn’t be eaten straight from the plant like a bell pepper, they aren’t as hot as a standard jalapeno pepper (think of Anaheim chiles). If wanting to use them ground up as a dried spice, completely dry them out before grinding. They are an excellent pepper for use in a traditional mole sauce or any other Mexican sauce.

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